LSU Atlanta Alumni Club
Atlanta, GA
The LSU Atlanta Alumni Club works to support the programs of the LSU Alumni Association in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and to serve the local Atlanta community in projects related to our mission.
Through our scholarship program, We seek to assist students from the Atlanta area complete a degree at LSU. We strive to create a lifelong community of alumni and friends through meaningful engagement to increase awareness, pride, participation, volunteer involvement and commitment to our community and to Louisiana State University. We currently provide five scholarships through our fundraising efforts.
To raise funds for these endeavors, we host a King Cake Party, Crawfish Boil, Football View-Ins for the local LSU Alumni, families and friends.
We have been granted tax exempt status under section 501 (c) (3) of the Federal Tax Code. Our IRS letter confirming this status is available upon request.
The Atlanta Chapter of the LSU Alumni Association has established a scholarship program to assist students from the Atlanta area who plan to continue their education at LSU.
The Atlanta Chapter of the LSU Alumni Association has endowed multiple scholarships through the LSU Alumni Association to assist students from the Atlanta area who plan to continue their education at LSU. Students must complete the LSU admissions application to be considered. Students that meet the following criteria will be automatically considered for the awards: residence in the six-county Atlanta area, full-time enrollment at LSU as an entering freshman, a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average in high school, and a minimum ACT score of 26 (or equivalent SAT score). Recipients are selected by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, and don’t require any additional applications or steps by the student.
President: Josie Taylor
Vice President: Brian Walker
Secretary: Stephanie Schmidt
Treasurer: Brian Renshaw
Young Alumni Outreach: Chase Curtis
Executive Committee
Josie Taylor (President)
Brian Walker (Vice President)
Stephanie Schmidt (Secretary)
Brian Renshaw (Treasurer)
Brian Walker (Webmaster)
Chase Curtis (Young Alumni Outreach)
Danny Corona
LSU Alumni Magazine shares the success stories of its graduates in the Tiger Nation section of its quarterly issues. Let us know about your recent promotion, awards, job changes, marriages, Baby Bengals – and other good news. Please include your degree(s), date(s), and the college awarding the degree and a photo to accompany your news items.
John Smith (2005 BACH A&D) joined the Atlanta, GA., office of ABC Partners, a landscape architecture and land-planning firm in March. He is responsible for the design and construction documentation on a number of large residential developments.